How To Create Blog

"How to create a blog"

Ok on this occasion I will discuss about, how the heck do I create a blog? ...

For those who are new to today's blog I suggest to make a blog today,

Why the heck, why today, That's because now it is much beneficial Blog tablets sob, besides hobby blog can also make money. How trick?

Well, if a problem generating it in the pending first, we first blog, here how ..

1. First mate MANDATORY have Gmail account to register at later 
[if my friend has not had a Gmail account please create here. and all the list of Google +

2. After my friend got his account please go to and select the sign-in accounts that had been created or had a friend. 

3. And after Login Dashboard blogger Select New Blog / new Blog.

4. Then my friend will be faced with a menu option on this one, and the contents according to the theme blog that my friend wanted to make, sample = or and much more available and origin of the blog name yes sob,

5. Fill As the graphic below as desired and select a template buddy like.

6. If all available or already Just click Create blog / Create a Blog.
Happy New Blog Has Become buddy , perfect still yet Sob There are things that still do Here Mandatory ,,,,
 For more will go to the dashboard blogger pal who like ,

Number 1: Functions To create a new blog.
    No. 2: Functions To write the article, and my friend can use this pencil-shaped button.
    No. 3: Functions To view the blog The buddy made.
    No. 4: To add a blog anywhere wants pal follow. Buddy will be presented the articles that follow 
               the blog buddy.
    No. 5: Here are some menu contained on bloggers, including:
        - Overview displays the number of comments awaiting moderation,
           the number of comments that have been published, the number of views today, 
           the number of followers of the blog post and Buddy.
        - Posts displays all posts that contained in the blog buddy, a post that has been published and is still a draft. 
          In this menu, Buddy can also delete multiple posts at once quickly.
        - Pages displays the number of pages contained in Buddy blog, the page still a draft, 
          and the pages that have already been issued.
        - Comments display the comments that have been published, comments are still waiting for moderation, 
          and comments that pertained spam.
        - Google+ displays the settings for Buddy Google+ profile associated with the blog.
        - Stats displays information on a blog statistic Friend, such as the number of views today, yesterday,
          and last month. In addition, in this menu also displays information about how visitors find the blog
          You and others.
        - Earnings displaying Adsense account earnings Buddies menu (if you have one: D).
        - Campaigns featuring menu Adwords. Buddy also can promote the blog buddy with Adwords,
          but it is not free tablets.
        - Layout shows the layout of the blog You. Here, Buddy can add or remove widgets on the blog buddy.
        - Settings to show the advanced settings on the blog buddy, such as basic settings, posts and comments and
          so can my friend do here.
        - Template displays the settings of the blog template Buddy. To edit, change the template of your blog,
          and so can my friend do here.
Well ,, How can I post an article friend ,,,?
Well the answer is here, to create and post an article it is easy - easy to hard sob ,,,, 
well you know we have to create a quality article and targeted,
 for example = How to Add Weight or How to Make Cake Pudding etc. according to the theme,
How to Create an article like this.
First Entry Into Blog Dashboard and select the image Pencil or new entries 
And my friend will be confronted like this draw and read a good friend - well yes its function


If the article is already ready Click Publish and share to a friend - a friend in social media
  or Google+ Twitter Instagram ff.
Well after we post an article, The next step is to replace the default template that is provided by the bloggers, 
who love to be using template theme anime and for the love of technology may use traditional 
technology templates that are friends and so on.
Well ,, How mas download this template ,, ??
Just look at Google that provides free templates
if you've already downloaded met and we just change the template do like this sob ,,,
1. Go To Dashboard Blog buddy
2. Then Select Template menu
3. Then select Backup / Restore or Backup / Restore
4. Choose Browse and select the .xml file template is
5.Lalu Buddy Live .xml file that had been uploaded pal download, Enjoy

Tutor end ..
If Buddy Have difficulty with this please ask passing Buddy Comment,
"May be useful"

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